Queen Street Apartments

Located within the Cultural Quarter, a high quality set of apartments.


Anonymous said...

Half of these flats in Leicester are either empty or for sale. This is a over-provision which is basically a bubble driven by investors.

If we want to attract people to move to Leicester permanently we have to provide houses with yards, gardens and a bit of character. We also need to provide jobs and something for people to actually do when they get here.

There is a real danger that these 'luxury' apartments will remain empty for years or become slums. It would only take a few extra interest rate rises or a resession for this to happen.

Lets have quality not quantity.

Leicester Regeneration said...

The cities which are succeeding have modern apartments, to house graduates and new workers to new companies.

If these apartments don't exist, then the graduates won't stay and new people and companies won't come.

Not everyone wants to live in a house with a garden. Large numbers prefer a low maintenance property, which is close to work or railway connections.

Anonymous said...

I'm a graduate who stayed in Leicester. I set up my own business here too. I lived in a city centre flat for several years and it was hell. Noisy neighbours, crap view, leaks from the flat above.

I've now settled down and bought a lovely Edwardian terraced house in Spinney Hills and would never go back to a flat however 'luxury' or fashionable the estate agents said it was.

Trying to get graduates to stay on or move into the city is a noble cause but I think that many of the current provision of flats will just house transient workers who will stay here for a year or two, earn a bit of cash, then p*** off elsewhere. Not really the sort of long-term stakeholders that we need to enhance the city's economy.

What we need more is A) jobs that will attract people and B) culture/heritage/environment that will set Leicester apart from other cities in the area. Poor quality flats and some pink granite is not good enough.

Leicester Regeneration said...

I share the hope that all new apartments are of the highest quality.

Whether workers are transient or permanent, we need to attract them regardless.

We won't attract new businesses, unless we have homes for the workers. Brownfield sites are the best development zones and apartments fit modern lifestyle trends.